Training Your Restaurant Crew

Training Your Restaurant Crew

Make the Most of Your Dining Habits In College

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When you go off to college, you are going to be in for an adventure. While you will have many, many hours of studying and schooling ahead of you, there will also be plenty of opportunities for fun and adventure. When you move into your dorm, you should make sure you take extra steps to ensure that you are going to get the most out of the entire dorm living experience. Where and what you eat can have a big impact on college life. Read on to make the most of your eating habits during this time in your life.

Plan to only eat out once or twice a week.

If you are on a tight budget, as most college students are, then you should plan on eating in your dorm room most of the week and plan the day you eat out. This way, you won't be surprised at the end of the month when most of your money has gone to eating out and you end up short on funds.  

When it comes to your free "eat-out" day, you should let your budget guide you. Have a stack of menus of the places in your area that include their prices. Choose the meal you are going to eat ahead of time, based on the amount of money you have to spend. This way, you won't spend too much of your money on a craving.

Prepare meals with your roommates. 

If you are able to, you may want to come up with a meal prep plan with your dorm mates, where you all share the bills on certain meals, such as dinners, and you switch off cooking. This way, you will continue to eat home-cooked meals while you are away at school, but you won't need to pull yourself away from your studies every night to prepare them.

Collect menus of places you can order food from online.

Collect or print menus of all the places nearby that deliver food and allow you to order food online. Make enough copies for everyone in your room. This way, you can all review the menu at the same time and then order the items you want from the computer after everyone has decided what it is that they want to order. You won't have to worry about spending gas money or taking more time away from your schoolwork since the food will be brought to you.

Following the advice in this article should help you transition easier into living in a college dorm room without spending too much time, money or energy on eating.


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Training Your Restaurant Crew

As a busy restaurant owner, it isn't always easy to know how to resolve problems. You might have employees that just don't work as hard as they need to or cooks who don't quite understand what you expect in terms of quality. However, this blog is here to help you to know how to hone your operation into a well-oiled machine. Read these articles to learn more about potential problems, the risks your restaurant faces, and ways to keep people from slacking off on the clock. You never know, it might save your business or keep your employees on point.
